Meet the Team
Meet the team behind Throw, Run, Catch.

Jim Gerencser
Jim is the founder of E.R.I.C. (Early Recognition is Critical). He has been to more than 200 schools, impacting more than 150,000 kids with his message of cancer prevention, Spirit of the Game, and introduction to ultimate. Jim has been playing frisbee for more than 40 years, and 2/3 of his kids also play ultimate.

Robert McLeod
“Frisbee Rob” McLeod is a motivational speaker and frisbee ambassador living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He holds 13 Guinness World Records, 14 World Championships and the Canadian Distance Record. Rob is on the WFDF Board of Directors as the Chair of the Overall Committee. Over the last 9 years, he has spoken to more than 150,000 kids in over 475 schools, including running more than 7,000 workshops.